Celebrating 46 Years
Founded in 1979
Seeking to make a personal impact in the fight against cancer, a group of family and friends founded the Colorado Cancer Foundation (CCF) in 1979. In succeeding years, the 501(c)(3) charitable organization grew beyond curative treatment and palliative care to include medical research and education at the University of Colorado (CU) Anschutz Medical Campus in Aurora, CO. In recent years, the CCF has given hundreds of thousands of dollars to oncology research, all the while providing lifesaving support to men, women, and children in need throughout the State of Colorado.
98% of Funds Donated
Financial Overview
During the COVID-19 Pandemic, in 2020 and 2021, the Colorado Cancer Foundation (CCF) donated an average of 98% of the funds it has received through charitable contributions to research and patient care, and continues to keep costs to a minium with an all volunteer board of directors. This remarkable rate of giving is due in part to the CCF’s wonderful sponsors, who give generously to the 501(c)(3) charitable foundation, in part to the individual men and women who support the CCF’s through diverse events throughout the year, and in part to the organization’s volunteer board of directors who are united through person experiences with cancer to end the disease.